PIYO what is it and is it the right workout for me?


PIYO what is it?

Piyo is a mat strength workout. Low impact, mix of yoga and pilates with cardio style movements thrown in the mix. You are sweating and muscles are shaking yet you are barely moving. It’s Amazing! If you are not a cardio fan but know you need to get that sweaty feeling in, this is the program for you. No equipment needed, except a yoga mat. You will get stronger, gain flexibility, and gain strength.

The low impact movements are great for your joints. There is a modifier in each workout so this is for beginners, intermediate, or advanced. There is a workout for you to start with learning the fundamentals so your form isn’t compromised. You want to make sure you focus on your alignment.

Using your own body weight is a great way to build strength. There are different style push ups to build up your upper body strength. You will tone, burn calories, and strengthen your core.

What does Piyo come with?

This is MY favorite part of these programs. Piyo will come with a calendar for you to hang out in your workout space and check off or highlight each day as the workout is done. You wake up each day and know EXACTLY what your workout will be. It comes with the workouts where the trainer tells you exactly what to do, what moves, for how long and how to correct your form. It also comes with the nutrition guide.


Piyo also comes with a nutrition guide to help you work on clean eating.  My daily eating plan is eggs/turkey bacon/fruit. Shakeology for lunch. Salad for afternoon snack. Protein and veggies for dinner. Make sure you are drinking lots of water. We all know what we are supposed to do right? Eat more protein/veggies/good fats/good carbs and cut down on grains/sugar/dairy.

What results can I expect from Piyo?

Working out daily, starting your day with healthy meals and having a plan in place will ensure you create the habit and want to keep going. I always recommend my clients take pics and measurements every 30 days and don’t rely on the scale. This journey will take time and patience. 1 week of working out and eating clean won’t yield ground breaking results so you must let your body get used to this new way of life. Your body will reward you, as long as you keep going. I allow myself one treat meal on the weekends and this works well for me. You have to figure out what is best for you.

Where can I get support?

I have online accountability groups for support on Facebook where we talk about our workouts and how to stay motivated. We share recipes and meal planning ideas. We talk about meal prepping on Sundays and how to keep it simple. Fit people eat many of the same things each day and this makes shopping and planning so much easier. We want you to succeed. I don’t wan’t this to be another workout program you purchase and don’t finish. I want you to see results as much as you want to see results. Will it be easy? Nope, but it will be very much worth it and we will have your back. The group is what pulls this journey all together. Once you purchase please email me so I know you are in and ready to join our group for support and accountability.


Are you looking for support and accountability to help you reach your fitness and nutrition goals? Try one of my ACCOUNTABILITY GROUPS!
