Goal Setting

Do you like to set goals? Do you write them down?

This could be a piece that you are missing. There is some serious power in writing your goals on paper. This will help them come true quicker and not just be pie in the sky.

I began this task in April 2011 after going through a 30 day online free program and completing it. It is called 30daypush.com and created by one of my mentors , Chalene Johnson. You may know her from fitness programs like turbo jam, turbo fire, and Chalene Extreme. These amazing home fitness programs can change your life if followed correctly. She is also an amazing motivator in helping you achieve your goals and dreams in life by teaching you how to set life priorities and aligning them with your goals. I highly recommend it. It changed my life 2 ½ years ago.

Here are some simple steps that I would like to outline for you to begin this goal setting process. I have learned these from Brian Tracy, Chalene Johnson, and other personal growth mentors.

First, identify your priorities in life and number them of importance. For example, family, financial freedom, health, and helping others.

Second, begin brainstorming in each category what you would like to achieve. For example, being more connected and present with my kids, have savings account of $10K.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Third, develop a list of what you would like to achieve in the next 12 months based on your top 3-4 priorities.

Here is mine:

I will be a 15* Diamond beachbody coach by 12/31/13

I will be a top 10 Elite Team beachbody coach heading to Italy in 2014

I will be making $25k/wk by Summit 2014

We will have 25K people in the team downline by Summit 2015

We will have $100K in savings account for new home plan Summit 2014

As a family, we will be contributing to charity regularly

We will have 15- 5* Diamond coaches at Summit 2014

We will be taking team on spa/leadership retreat in 2014

I will hit SC 10 /month to help more people reach their health and fitness goals

I will be comfortably back at my goal weight by 12/31/13

We will have consistently family night, girl power hour, and date night each and every week to connect more as a family

Take note that I have written these in the present tense as if they have happened.

I will take this further in another blog and help lay out action steps to make your goals a reality.

Please share with me in the comment section below your top 10 goals. I would love to hear them!
