What is Shakeology?

Is Shakeology expensive?

YES, because it is the GOOD STUFF!

Shakeology is an all natural meal replacement shake that counts as 5 servings of your fruits/veggies each day and it tastes like dessert. This shake has 70+ ingredients in it that the average person has a hard time getting in their body daily. Sure, you can buy all of these ingredients separately at the health food store and make your own concoction, and it may or may not taste good, and I promise you it will be TRIPLE the price of one bag of Shakeology.

See what the experts are saying about this amazing super premium health shake

A motto I have always lived by in life is “you get what you pay for.” So, yes Shakeology costs more than the “other” shakes out there. Guess what?  In my opinion, this doesn’t compare to the other shakes out there. The ingredient list is superior and I only say this because I have done comparisons. You can look at the ingredient list here (ingredients) and then look at another shakes list and google the first 5 -10 ingredients of each and clearly see the difference.

I tell all my clients and friends that you are replacing a meal, so you are SAVING money, not ADDING money to your budget. The cost breaks down to $4/day for a MEAL, either breakfast or lunch, cheaper if you sign as coach for discount. You easily spend that on a sub each day or a breakfast sandwich and coffee right? Or for me, I ate at home, so I stopped buying myself lunch items at grocery store and bill went down $37/wk, so that is SAVING money because Shakeology costs me $105/month as a coach! $37×4 is $148/month. SAVINGS!!!

What will you get for this $4/day shake? Protein and essential amino acids, antioxidants, phytonutrients, adaptogens, prebiotics, probiotics, and digestive enzymes, OH MY!


  • Curb cravings for sugar and junk food
  • Promote weight loss
  • Increase energy levels
  • Improve digestion and regularity
  • Support your immune system
  • Improve cholesterol1
  • Support cardiovascular health

 (from shakeology website)

Let’s get you started with this COMPLETE 30 day bottom of the bag money back guarantee.

Ask yourself, what could this shake do for me and my health?

I am available to answer your questions and concerns, but you will not know if this will do all it says it will until you TRY IT! I do have a TRY BEFORE YOU BUY program, message me for a sample!

Are you WORTH it? Are you worth $4/day? I know the answer, do you?


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.