BeachBody Ultimate Reset

I was SCARED to do the Beachbody Ultimate Reset, like really scared.

I am a picky eater and wasn’t sure I would/could stomach the menu items in this 21 day plan.

Well, I put my big girl panties on and went for it! LOL

I knew I would succeed by getting in a group with a bunch of other people doing this with me for the first time. We had someone in the group that had gone through this already and was able to help us every step of the way.

I now pay this forward to everyone else and will be starting a new group soon!

What is the Ultimate Reset?Nicole Jones Ultimate Reset

It is a 21 Day Whole food based cleanse that has all the recipes and meals laid out for you along with 6 supplements that you take over the 3 weeks. I have had friends and family lose on average 6-19lbs. It is a gently cleanse that detoxes every organ, tissue and cell in your body and there is no exercise during the 21 days. You can walk or do yoga if you wish but no strenuous exercise. I lost 6lbs the first time and my husband lost 19 lbs both times he did it! Excited to do it again real soon with another large group of people for support.

What will you experience with this program?

Well, the first week may include caffeine withdrawal headaches and detoxing symptoms. Some have experienced flu like symptoms. You may be tired as your body does its’ thing and detoxifies.

You will NOT be hungry. There is a ton of food.

You will need to make time for some food prep, especially in week one. Many things can be prepped ahead of time on Sunday.

You will learn what your body needs and what it “thinks” it needs.

You may sleep better, have heightened senses, reduce cholesterol, lose weight and more.Mark Ultimate Reset

I hadn’t slept in over 5 years , since my first baby girl was born, and finally I SLEPT. It was amazing, really slept like a baby for 21 days and that has still continued.

You will have less energy at first, but then you will have increased energy and find yourself “jumping” out of bed each day without alarm clock.

These are just some of the experiences people have reported to me and what I have experienced.

My biggest takeaway truly is the nutrition education I received. It was like taking semester courses in what to eat, when to eat, how to eat and what foods fuel your body to work at its’ BEST!

My husband and I continue to eat these same foods.

Some of our favorites are: Pinto beans and rice, corn/black bean with salsa tortillas, sweet potato red pepper bisque, roasted root medley.

We also love the homemade dressings, what a difference.

I do know that I would’ve never made it through this program without the support from my family/friends and our accountability group. It is great to go through each day with others so you can all chat about what you are experiencing each day.

Would love to have you experience this with me and try this life changing program. You can do anything for 21 days.

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