Importance of Family Health

On August 2nd, 2010 I began my permanent health journey! This time was going to be different. I committed to myself, my husband, and especially my baby girls. I grew up with a lot of processed foods and sweets.grapes_and_peaches I did not really know how to eat properly. I ate some fruits, canned vegetables, and salads once and a while. My mom has always worked multiple jobs so we had to have quick things that just weren’t always on the healthy side.

These habits continued into adulthood and I found myself feeding my first daughter same types of food. Something had to give. In the past when I would “DIET” I would still buy sweets and bad things for the rest of the house. My reasoning was “why should I punish them or deprive them when I am the one that needs to lose weight” Well, that is just silly talk! I realized, my girls and husband do not need the sweets/junk just as much as I do not. Mindset shifted and away we went.

Don’t get me wrong, we still have treats once/wk.

My mother had a heart attack at age 50 and things started to shift in my head. My grandmother had one at age 70. Hmmmm , heart disease runs in the women in my family, no bueno. Granted they smoked but still I had to change my lifestyle to be healthier for me and for my girls. I don’t EVER want my girls to receive those frightening phone calls and wondering if I am going to live or die.

nicole p90xMy journey began with P90X and  Shakeology. I was very skeptical about this all working. I had tried many other home fitness programs before and they are now collecting dust. I had tried shakes before and was always starving a ½ hour later or just tasted plain NASTY.

To my surprise, I was wrong! YAY, I had found something that was working and I loved. Guess What? It wasn’t easy. The shakes were easy, but starting p90x 2 months after having my 2nd C-section, not so much. I even kept saying to the doctor “are you sure I can do extreme fitness so soon?” LOL, he said YES, go get healthy!

The first 30, 60, 90 days were HARD. There were mornings I didn’t want to get up, there were days I was so sore it hurt to sneeze, I had to roll over to get out of bed because my abs were so sore. I wanted to quit because I wasn’t seeing results fast enough. OH wait, it didn’t take me 90 days to put on 35 lbs? So why would I expect it to come off in 90 days. We have to be realistic and remember that!

I lost 18lbs and 18 inches in first 90 days. WOO HOO!! Guess what pulled it all together for me? One, the support of my husband, he took the journey with me and had similar results. My girls would get down with me in the basement on my mat and do abs and yoga. Well, not my 2 month old at that time, just my 4 yr old. The second piece that pulled it all together was my COACH! The support he gave me and the team we are on is incredible. I would ask tons of questions, share my struggles and challenges and he understood and encouraged me to keep

Since this magical date in time where my life has completely turned around, I have lost 35 lbs and 28 inches and gone from size 10 to a size 0 (I am only 4’11”). I have completed 3 rounds of P90x, Insanity, Asylum, Turbo Fire, Les Mills Pump, Les Mills Combat, the Ultimate Reset and dabbled in a few others.

I am now a P90X certified instructor, AFAA group exercise instructor, Turbo, Piyo and Hip Hop Hustle certified and I run multiple challenge groups per month for people just like me waiting/begging/praying to find this magical date in time.

This morning, I did a March challenge with some burpees, jacks, squats and my girls get right down and involved with me. Proud momma moment this morning when my 6 yr old completed 15 burpees! I have created a healthy way of life for my family and me all at the same time.

It has been a 31 month journey and I have NOT loved every minute, but so glad I stuck with it and remembered WHY I chose to begin in the first place!



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