Importance of Having a Personal Growth Plan

What is a personal growth plan and why do I need it? Well, are you looking to improve at all? Chances are the answer is yes. You would like to be a better parent, a better spouse, have more goals, and have more success at your job/career, right?

Well, in order to improve in any of these areas you must improve yourself.

I am not the same person I was when I began my health and fitness journey and my new business venture as an online health and fitness coach. In order to do better, I had to become better.

I was sick of doing weight watchers, succeeding then failing then succeeding and continuing that pattern. I was horrible with our finances and in fact had to file bankruptcy. This yoyo of life long struggles had to stop.

Image courtesy of Pakorn /

Image courtesy of Pakorn /

I wanted to be a better, mom, spouse, daughter, sister, and friend. I want to be successful in this health and wellness journey I am on. I want to be a successful business woman and I want to pass this down to my family and friends.

In order to achieve all of this, I had to improve. In order to have the next 5 years look drastically different than the last 5, I had to be better.

What did I do to lose 28 lbs., go down 10 sizes, and go from bankruptcy to 6 figure income? I GOT BETTER

But how?

Here are steps I began to take to develop my personal growth plan to help me succeed and get on the right track ONCE AND FOR ALL!

STEP 1, I found a health and fitness routine that I knew I was going to enjoy. No sense in doing something you don’t like.

STEP 2, I began surrounding myself with successful people who were having success in their health and fitness and in business. I studied them, followed them on social media, and began asking them questions and copying what they were doing all while making sure I was staying true to myself.

STEP 3, I began reading books and listening to audio on goal setting, being positive, being successful, time management and more. I would ask myself “what do I struggle with right now? What do I need to work on?” Then I would go find the tool that would help me learn and grow.

STEP 4, I found mentors that were successful and set up weekly accountability calls with these success partners. They became a part of my life and got to know me and how I tick so they could support me best in my journey. This piece may take a while to find the RIGHT people to work with. Kind of like finding a hair dresser or therapist, must be someone you like and connect with.

STEP 5, I implemented and took action in all that I was learning. THIS IS HUGE! Many people come to me and say “Nicole, I do everything you tell me. I read, learn, get on calls” BUT, do you TAKE ACTION? This last piece was and still is key.

I still look to improve DAILY! I must always be looking to get better and so should you!

““When you are through improving yourself, you are out of the game. You learn until your last breath.”
―Richard A. Nelson


I would love to hear from you. Comment below what you are looking to improve upon and I can recommend an author, book, audio to help you get started. Looking forward to helping point you in the right
