Shakeology Superfood Shake Perspective from Certified Holistic Practitioner Lisa Hansen

I am writing in regards to Shakeology because I feel it has the potential to be such an integral part of people’s health.  Many people in our society are severely nutrient deprived, even though we struggle to eat well and take our supplements. Our soils are depleted of nutrients, and in today’s fast-paced world, we eat on the run far too often. Most do not consume what the bodies need, never mind 10 servings of fruits and vegetables per


Having been a Certified Holistic Practitioner for the last 15 years, I see this every day. Patients needlessly suffer from ailments that can easily be reversed by good nutrition.  hen Shakeology came my way, I was very skeptical at first because I was a big fan of green smoothies and eating whole foods.  After much research, I quickly learned that Shakeology provides a COMPLETE base-nutrition for every person.  And it IS derived from raw, whole foods.  Much love and care go into creating it by Holistic Practitioners who are on a mission to change the health in our Nation.  

On a personal note, Shakeology helped me realize I was missing out on Superfoods, phytonutrients and adaptagens…basically it was impossible to get everything I needed into my body every single day for optimal health. In order to eat everything I needed, it would cost me a small fortune, not to mention several trips to Whole Foods per week.  Shakeology is the only supplement I have endorsed into my Healing Center in 15 years time.  That speaks volume. Many products have come my way, yet they never provided such a dense dose of nutrients that Shakeology provides.  I felt completely confident about bringing Shakeology into my practice. As a result, I am pleased to report that I have seen patients have better bowel movements, go off their cholesterol meds, go off their blood pressure meds, have relief from headaches, relief from hot flashes during menopause, increased energy, weight loss, improved skin, and relief from irritable bowel syndrome.  My cancer patients even drink it, saying it helps with digestion and gives relief post-chemo treatments from nausea.  Shakeology is revolutionary, because it delivers what it promises.  As a result, people are happier.  When the body is healthy and you are feeling good, happiness shows up.  I smile every day drinking my shake, knowing that I am feeding my body what it needs to stay well, thrive and prevent disease.  And I am even happier because my 6 year old drinks it, and I know I am giving her the best nutrition available.  Shakeology is worth every penny…because YOU are worth it.


Read my own blog on Shakeology Here


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

