Finding Your Groove with Your Health and Fitness Lifestyle

I have been on my health and fitness journey for about 3 ½ years now! I started with P90X and literally felt the best EVER and had abs for the first time! It was awesome! Well, I figured I better tackle Insanity next, so I did. Great program, built endurance but I seemed to get a little FLUFFY ,if you know what I mean.

So, then I wanted to tackle some Turbo Fire, some more cardio fun. Then Les Mills Pump came out and I got some muscle back. Did Les Mills Combat and Asylum and so on. So, every time Beachbody comes out with a new program I gravitate to it to see what it is all about so I can give my honest review as a team beachbody coach.

I love ALL the programs for real and they appeal to different audiences, fitness levels, genders etc

I recently did Focus T25. GREAT program and loved the idea of 25 minutes, SCORE!

Well, I noticed again, I was getting fluffy being away from weights. I had also done Chalene Extreme in there too. My body responds BEST with strength/weight training programs. I have come to REALIZE, FINALLY after 3 ½ years that I must always be lifting weights at least 3 times/wk to stay on track and keep tight and tone. Some people LOVE and CRAVE cardio and that is what their body needs and responds to best. Same as food, you must figure out if your body likes less dairy, more carbs, less meat, more veggies.

I wanted to share with you today that YOU must do some playing around and figure out what works for you, don’t always fall for the HOTTEST new trend, but stick to what you know and listen to your body. Start taking notes and keep a journal of when you are doing weights or cardio how you feel, take pictures, measurements and such. Start taking inventory/journal of how your body feels, particularly your stomach when you cut back on sugar, carbs, meat, dairy? YOU decide what will work best for you.

I am back on some weights, doing a hybrid of BODY BEAST and FOCUS T25 and I couldn’t be happier and my body is responding nicely to this as well. It is amazing how quickly your muscles bounce right back.

I am a mom of 2 little girls and I am not afraid to lift weights. I know that is how my body is going to look and feel its leanest and I am excited to take this hybrid thru for the next 60 days and then P90X3 is going to be my next program. I have a feeling I am going to LOVE it as much as P90X, well even better because it will only be 30 minutes/day, SCORE!

My advice for you again, is to take some mental inventory and go back to pictures and keep a physical journal as you continue on your journey to figure out what works best for you and your body.

I can help you begin with my one on one coaching, just message me so we can set up time to chat. After all, this is a LIFESTYLE change you are embarking upon, so be sure you get some help and do it right because this is not a fad diet or something you will do short time. No matter your goals, everyone must work out and eat right to maintain a healthy/balanced lifestyle.

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